Basic Information

Mr Apoorva Arun Kadam completed his double Post graduation from Bombay University (Mumbai University). He holds a Master's Degree in both English and Education. He also has to his credit a SET certificate in Education. He has also pursued a Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication. He has successfully completed his research in Education titled: An Investigation into the Psychosocial Characteristics of Teachers in Relation to Teacher Effectiveness. He has been associated with the teaching profession since the past 30 years. At present he is a Senior English Facilitator and the Editor of the Annual Magazine with The Cathedral Vidya School, Lonavala. He is the Proprietor of Academic Hub an Education Consultancy Bureau. Having had the opportunity to work in semi-rural areas he realised the mental block the students had towards the English language and especially the English Grammar. It was then that he decided to help them with an easier approach and hence he has written this book. The book is written in a simple and comprehensive manner which is self-explained and supplemented with ample examples and exercises. His lined up works for publication include Communication Skills Made Easy, English Made Easy (English x Marathi), English Made Easy (English xHindi) to name a few.

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