Basic Information

Dr.Anjalatchi, MD(AM), MBA(HA) working as a vice principal in Era College of Nursing at Lucknow, UP, India. She had 16 years experience in their field like staff nurses, clinical instructor, nursing incharge, tutor, Assistant professor, Associate professor, vice principal in various of organization and medical university associated experiences. she had presented five presentation as a resource person internal and external organization. She had published articles international and indian journal. she has completed various short courses in her field along with NABH implementation courses. She organized state level workshop and seminar and national health program followed by published program articles  news in local newspaper. she had various of life time membership in health care professional. she is working as external examiner in USMF for board exam, external examiner and question setter and moderator in KGMU and internal examiner and question setter of  nursing and hospital administration course in era university.

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