Basic Information

Dr. Ankita Awasthi  is working as assistant Professor in Department of zoology, A.N.D.N.N.M. Mahavidyalaya, Kanpur (U.P.) India. During her research period, she was focused on developing environmentally safe biopesticides which are inherently less harmful and less environmental load, designed to affect only one specific pest or in some casesa few target organisms and often effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly, thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems. She worked to develop effective pest control mechanism by using Indian medicinal plants as biopesticides. She also worked to increase the qualitative and quantitative production of tomato crop. After that she worked to found the active chemicals of those medicinal plants. For her innovative work she awarded with Blue planet scholar award, Young scientist award by Blue planet society, Young scientist award by Asian biological research foundation, Young achiever award by Institute of scholar, Chaudhary charansingh award for agricultural innovation, Best faculty award for teachers innovation by GESA. 

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