Basic Information

Dr Sarada Prasad Mohapatra presently working as an Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Narasingha Choudhury Autonomous College Jajpur, Odisha has 21years of teaching and research experiences in Plant Sciences, Environmental Science, Ethnobotany, Agriculture. He has published about 20 research articles in various Journals of National and International repute. Recently he has been awarded as " Best Researcher in Botany " by IMRF at Asian Institute of Technology Bangkok Thailand and also as "APSI Young Scientist Award by Academy of Plant Sciences India and many more awards related to Plant Sciences and Environmental Science. He has been life member of many Organization of India, UK, Nepal, Malaysia etc and also visited about 5 countries in connection with Academic and Research activities. Presently he is working in Collaboration with Bai Shi Yin Organisation, Singapore on application of Bai Shi Yin wisdom light technology for Organic farming. He is also connected with various Social Organizations working for awareness about Education, Environmental awareness and health, one of them is Sakham Soceity Jaipur, Rajasthan.


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