Basic Information

This is second edition of the book ‘My Times My Tales’ by the author , Dinesh N Verma , who is a former Indian Information Service officer. Mr. Verma joined central Government after a brief stint at Bar which he took up again after his superannuation. While in Government, Mr. Verma held varied positions in media wings of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. The first edition of the book ‘My Times My Tales’, was published in 2016 and was formally released in 2017. It is a collection of twenty seven stories based on events which he encountered as they unfolded from his initial profession as a lawyer to a senior government functionary. The author’s second foray into writing yielded a different creation in the form of a fiction,a fantasy, which was clearly a concept book which shows seemingly an innovative look at the human condition in an entertaining manner. His other projects are in pipeline and will soon see the light of the day.

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