Basic Information

Born to a blacksmith and now a baker boy under the brand name KAKA, Dr.Farooz Ahmad Ganai is a young social reformer, entrepreneur, Orator, and teacher. Dr.Farooz hails from J & amp; K, India, and resides at Apple Town Sopore. Despite hardships as a student; selling knives on Baramulla Jehlumriver bridge and potato fries on a stall in his native village Dangarpora, to meet his school expenses, Dr.Farooz earned graduation from Kashmir University, his M.A in English from Barkatullaha University and was also awarded his M.Phil. degree from RDVV, Jabalpur, India. Recently he earned his doctorate in English under the title “Power Dynamics in the Select Novels of Elfriede Jelinek: A Foucauldian Study” from Lovely Professional University, India. He has presented and published dozens of research papers in reputed national and international journals. Besides being a thin tank to brand Kaka, Dr.Farooz is the founder of Nasa Academy and Maktaba Dawatul Quran in his area. He is the lover of humanity and is the propounder of love and peace through his sermons at religious gatherings. He is looked at as a youth icon in his society.

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