Basic Information

Ishita Sahai is an exemplary 14 year old student of class IX from Swaraj India Public School, Kanpur. She has always been a meritorious student, securing first rank in her class. She has a keen interest in reading books and used to surprise many by reading and comprehending huge volume books of legendary writers. 

Her writing skills were perceived in her early schools days. She was asked to join the Creative Writing Club of her school that gave her a boost and helped her to get many laurels in various writing competitions.  Most recently, she won 13 gold medals, 3 silver medals and the Asimov Award (for emerging as the best in all the subjects) in the various categories of World Scholars’ Cup Regional Round in Delhi 2019. She qualified for the International round too which was postponed due to Corona Pandemic. So, she utilized her time in writing and won several online competitions along with scripting this book of short stories.   She is an outstanding performer in other fields too like Debate, Extempore, Elocution, Declamation and Sports like Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis etc.   This book  focusses on the tender feelings of friendship, amicable connect and morals for children.

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