Basic Information

Pritam Dutta, an inquisitive researcher affiliated with the Pacif Institute of Cosmology and Selfology (PICS), embarks on a compelling exploration of the universe in the pages of this book "Cosmic Primer." Hailing from Uttar Majh Gram, West Bengal. Pritam's unwavering curiosity and determination have propelled him into the realms of science. and innovation.. Pritam's published articles reflect his analytical thinking and exceptional writing skills, while his another published book, "What Is Astronomy?”, offers a glimpse of his profound knowledge and passion for making complex scientific concepts accessible. With "Cosmic Primer," Pritam takes a giant leap into the cosmos, aiming to unravel its mysteries and intricacies. fuelled by a personal quest to bridge the gap. between complex astronomical concepts and everyday understanding, Pritam's latest endeavour promises to be a remarkable voyage through the cosmos. His diverse skill set and unwavering dedication to knowledge make him a young author in the field of astronomy.

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