Basic Information

Dr. Jagdish M. Rathod received his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics and Communication from G.E.C. Modasa in 1995. In 2005 he received his master's degree in Electronics and Communication from D.D.I.T. In 2011 he received his Doctor of Philosophy in (Ph.D.) Degree in EC Department with specialization in Microwave and Antenna from Sardar Patel University. He has joined Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya Engineering College as a faculty in 1997, where he is lecturer of Electronics Engineering Department and at present working as Professor. He has guided more than 104 students from U.G. He is guiding M.E. / M. Tech thesis work in the field of Wireless Communication, Antenna and Microwave. He also guiding Ph.D. students. He has published many papers in National / International Conferences and Journals. Ha has been awarded Best Teacher by BVM Engineering College in Recognition of valuable contribution and performance in Academic activities during the year 2011-12. He is life time member of India Society for Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi. His field of interest are Electromagnetic, Wave propagation and Antenna, RADAR and Microwave Engineering and Wireless Communication.

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