Basic Information

Dr.V.Shanmugasundaram obtained B.E in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Periyar University, Salem in 2003, the M.E in Power Systems Engineering from Anna University Chennai in 2005 and the Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from VIT University, Vellore in 2016. He is a lifetime member of ISTE,IEI and InSc. Where he is currently working as a Assistant Professor of EEE department in Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India. He has published more than 52 papers in various peer reviewed national and international journals and conferences. He received the research excellence award on the International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology (IJMTST) and young researcher award 2020 on February 2021. He was awarded the Best Senior Faculty Award from Novel Research Academy, Puducherry on March 2021. He received the Young Researcher Award 2021 from Institute of Scholars (InSc), Bengaluru on April 2021. His research interests include Soft computing techniques applied in power systems and power electronics applications, Renewable energy systems, Energy storage technologies and Smart Grids and Electric Mobility.

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