Basic Information

Dr. T.S. Rajeev, completed his bachelors in Veterinary Science (B.V.Se All) during 1999 and Masters (M.VS in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry estension in 2001 from Kerala Agricultural University, India. He has been ewanlod Ph.D. in the year 2016 by Gandhigram Rural Institute and Deemed University, Tamil Nadu, India and a postgraduate degree in Wild animal Medicine from Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences Univeristy in 2014 and a MBA with HR specialisation from Sikkim Manipal University in 2015. He has started his career as a Veterinary Officer in the Animal Husbandary department, Governement of Kerala in 1998, and joined as Associate Professor, Department of Veterinary Extension, College of Viteinary & Animal Sciences, Pookind in 2004. Presently senior Assistant Professor in College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Mannuthyand holding the posts of the Director of Students Welfare, NSS Programme coordinator, Director Centre for elephant studies in Kensla Veterinary & Animal Sciences University. He is practicing wildanimal veterinarian specialised in elephant healthcare. He is the recipient of mumerous national and international cognitions including Venus international distinguished scientist award, "Murray fowler international conference scholarship by the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 2018-19, Kerala State Award for the Best Agricultural Scientist Krishivigyan 2012, Young scientist award Government of Kerala (Kerala science Congress 2009), "Shiksha Ratan Puraskar 2012 by India International friendship society, New Delhiete. He has acted as the Principal investigator for more than t research projects funded by international, national and state agencies including British council.He has more than 50rescarch papers in his account in various national, international journals and seminars. He has authored three books and many popular articles and also acting as the honorary chief editor and reviewer of some international and national journals. He has been actively participating in tivities of manquilisationpf violent elephants since last 18 years. He was engaged in treatment of captive elephants, them and extension work associated. He has appeared as expert witness in Alabama court USA, representing USFDA sociated with a female elephant Rosey. HE has attended and presented paper in several international and national seminar venly he is the member of captive elephant, healthcare and management committee Govt of India (Ministry of Environme and forest)

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