Basic Information

Pankhudi is 13 years old girl child, studying in Grade 8th of Graphic Era Global School, Dehradun, India. Pankhudi has shown tremendous skills since a young age, although her current age is 13, her parents got to know about her skills at the age of 5. She can do mental mathematics at a faster speed and has done well in drawing, painting, and even general knowledge which showcase how much she is aware of her surroundings as well as her skills. Being an extrovert, she is very open and always ready to get mingle with everyone and is very curious being who discovers and explores something new every minute. Pankhudi wants to become an astronaut and her parents have faith in her that she will achieve her dream. Pankhudi often amazes everyone in all the work she does, be it studying, taking care of parents and pets, doing social work, and her beyond imagination knowledge.

Some of the major achievements of Pankhudi are-  India Star Icon Kids Achievers Award 2022, The Child Prodigy 2022 Award, Global Student Ambassador for Peace Award 2019, Student of the Year 2017 Award, 1st Prize in National Level Painting Competition, Various prizes at the local, state, and national level

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