Basic Information

Dr. Ramakrishna Hegde, is currently working as the Professor & HOD in Civil Engineering Dept., Srinivas University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mukka, Suratkal. He has completed his B. E in Civil Engineering at SJCE Mysore and M Tech & Ph.D at NITK , Surathkal, India. He worked earlier as a faculty in the Department of Civil engineering at  MIT Manipal, and as a Vice Principal at  the Dr. TMA Pai Polytechnic Manipal. He is having 34 years of rich and valuable teaching experience and has taught variety of Engineering subjects. He has guided many successful UG, PG and ponsored projects presently guiding 8 Ph. D Scholars.  He is the Chairman of  Board of Studies and Board of Examiners of Civil Engineering Department at Srinivas University.  He is a member of many professional Bodies and has published many Conference and Journal papers of International repute. He reviewed many research papers  and articles of conferences and journals. He is very much interested in the Innovative teaching methods imparting experiential learning. He has given an enormous contribution towards students mentoring, motivating and their overall personality development. He has widely worked in the area of alternate construction materials for the sustainable development. 

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