Basic Information

Dr. Anupama Chadha has done her doctorate in Data Mining. She completed Master Of Computer Applications with distinction in 1999. After a short stint in industry, the pursued her career in teaching and has around 20 years of teaching experience in various reputed colleges and universities. She has authored or on authored many research articles and papers in various reputed journals and conferences. She is editor and reviewer of many intomational and national journal. She is a member of research oriented organizativus like CSI, ACM and IETE. She has chaired various sessions in reputed conferences and has delivered Keynote talks. She has conducted and organized many workshops on latest IT technologies. Also she lus organised several national and international conferences in association with IEEE and CSI. She has also cosuthored books on Data Mining. Dr. Chadha's ureu of research includes Duta Mining, Big Data and Machine Learning.

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