Basic Information

Dr. S. II. Abbas, currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Integral University, Lucknow. He is pursuing his PDF on the topicof "Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning from Biomedical Images" from Christ University, Bangalore. He received his Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science & Engineering from S.V.I. University, India, and an M.Tech Degree in CSE from Dr. MGR University, Chennai, India. He authored co-authored over 401 published articles in prestigious journals, Books, Book chapters, and conference pupem. Besides, Dr. Abbas authored edited 10international book chapters published by recognized publishers such as IEEE, Springer. IGI Global. Elsevier, CRC Press Taylor & Francis. He has also published 04 Books. He has been invited as a resource person for many workshops/FDP. He has organized and chaired many national/international conferences and conducted various workshops. He iseditor-in-chief of the International Journal of Muhidisciplinary Education Research (IJMER). His 05 patent is published by the Indian Palent oflies. Dr. S. H. Abbas las 12 years of teaching experience. His research interest includes Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, CNN.


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