Basic Information

L. Muhindro, (MA, PGDHR, Ph. D, PDF, SRF) MA in Political Science from Manipur University, PG Diploma in Human Rights, Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi, Visiting Indian Scholar and Post-Doctoral under (UGC-TEC Mauritius Fellow) University of Mauritius and recipient of Short-term Doctoral Fellow ICSSR, New Delhi; UGC FIP Doctoral Fellow; Senior Research Fellow, ICSSR New Delhi, at present, he is Head, Department of Human Rights and discharging various responsibility as: Project Coordinator UGC-STRIDE; State Supervisor (Manipur) National Election Studies, CSDS New Delhi; Nodal Officer, UGC-University Activity Monitoring Portal, SKWC; Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell; Coordinator, Human Resource and Research Innovative Centre. Member Academic bod: Member -International Political Science Association, USA; American political Science Association, USA; Midwest Political Science Association, Canada; International Foundation for Electoral System, Washington; Indian Political Science Association, UP; Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi. He is editor-in-chief of SKWC Journal of Social Sciences, a peer review international multidisciplinary biannual journal. His area of interest includes Election Studies, Armed Conflict, Human Rights, and Peace Studies. He has successfully carried out different Minor and Major research projects including International Research Collaboration under UGC, ICSSR and IGNOU, and guided 42 Minor Research Projects of different colleges. Guiding 6 Ph. D and 1 Post-Doctoral (ICSSR). Published 21 Documentation monograph, 39 research papers in peer reviewed journals; published 3 books including 1 in German; 15 chapters in edited books; 17 research papers in Proceedings; 4 modules in UGC E-content Program under EMRC Manipur University, 33 invited lecture/speech; chaired 11 technical sessions including, 25 IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Brisbane, Australia in 2018.  Organized 32 state, national and international conference and 2 faculty development programme, 46 papers presented in national and international seminar; delivered 9 key note address in national and international seminars; Curriculum Developed: four courses as (BA-Human Rights; Foundation Course- Human Rights; Six month Certificate course in Human Rights; six month certificate course in women studies etc.)

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