Basic Information

The chore of writing a blurb for this book came as a flabbergasting surprise to me. Poetry shows the ability of the poetess. The most recurring theme that is seen in her works is that of an individual prepping one's soul to remain unaffected by the uncaring world and struggling to retain the innocence of one's soul. Often enough dose the poems seem autobiographical! While a couple of the poems talk of women's plight, the overwhelming majority of them are gender-neutral and are applicable universally to any soul struggling with the harsh world and still trying to retain the sweetness that was natively inherent to it. One remarkable feat the poet has achieved is her ability to retain hope. A remarkable departure is seen in the poem about Shiva which is the only one that stands out as belonging to a different genre. My sincere appreciation to the poet for the remarkable feat of writing poetry. Her anguish is often tangible and her optimism is commendable. She has shown promise and would do well to broaden her horizons and venture into different topics in the future.

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