Basic Information

He was born in Madurai on 07/12/1937. He completed S.S.L.C.from Madurai Saurashtra High School. He worked in the Judiciary for 33 years. Also, he completed a B.A. at Madurai University on a correspondence course. Chennai Literary Solai Publishers have given the award as' Kavi Pariti' and Mamadurai poets council has given him the 'Kavi Bharati' award. Madurai Sreshta Sourashtri Sahitya Sabha was given the title as Bhashabimani and Sri Nayakiyar Sourashtra Sahitya Sabha was given the award and a gold medal. He has written 3 poetry books in Tamil, 2 historical books, and two novels in Tamil. He has translated one historical book in English, and 10 books in the Sourashtri language with Tamil commentary.

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