Basic Information

Santanu Panda (b. 1978) currently is Research Associate of the CRSGPP, WBNUJS and Guest teacher, Dept. of Anthropology, Sukumar Senguta Mahavidyalay, Midnapore. Formar Guest teacher of Dept. of Nutrition & Dietetics, Vidyasagar Institute of Health. He did M.Sc and PhD in Anthropology from Vidyasagar University in Midnapore, West Bengal. He also did MSW from NSOU. He did PDF in Sociology and Social Anthropology under ICSSR, Govt. of India. He has taught Anthropology and Nutrition for five years. He has ten years research experiences in the field of social science in reputed academic institutions. He has a book with Abhijit Guha ‘Criminal Tribe’ to ‘Primitive Tribal Group’ and the Role of Welfare State: The Case of Lodhas in West Bengal, India” NOVA Science Publishers Inc. New York, USA.  He has published more than 40 research articles  including Scopus, UGC care list from Springer, Rawat, Sage, International journal of  Sociology and social, anthropology, Tribal Tribune, Tribal Health Bulletin, and Journal of Indian Anthropological Society, North Bengal Anthropologist, South Asian  Anthropologist, IJRSSA, IJSSHI, IJRTE, IJAR, IJMRD etc. He has acted as reviewer and editorial board members in various national and international Journals and presented research paper in manynational & international conferences. He has also delivered invited lectures as resource person. He was acted a research consultant in professional organisations. He was received MRP from Govt. of West Bengal.

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