Basic Information

Dr. Prakash Chintamani Malshe is a practicing Medical Specialist in Haridwar town of Uttarakhand, India. Born in 1955, his school education was done in Madhya Pradesh. He did his M.B.B.S. in 1977 and M.D. (Medicine) in 1981 from M.G.M. Medical college Indore (M.P.). He has learnt his initial yoga lessons from Swami Adhyatmanand ji of the Divine Life Society Rishikesh in 1986 and since then has continued the yogic practices. By studying the original scriptures of 'Hatha Yoga Pradīpikā' and 'Gheranda Samhita' and experimenting on his own body he has come out with some very novel hypotheses about the mechanism of action of yogic practices which are described in his four books 'Yoga Book for Doctors', published in 2005, 'Drink Air- Stay Fit' and 'Hawa Piyen-Swastha Jiyen' (In Hindi) in 2007, and 'A Medical Understanding of Yoga' published in 2012. Dr. Malshe has addressed various conferences held at IIT Kanpur, U.P. Yoga teachers' association, Lucknow, Kaivalyadhāma, Lonavala, Near Pune, Dr. Harisingh Gaur University Sagar (M.P.), University of Mangalore, (Karnataka) and Ayurvedic Medical College Jamnagar (Gujarat) and has delivered keynote addresses in the National Yoga Week every year from 2007 to 2013 held at the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi.

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