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Dr. Ratan Bhattacharjee, the Literamo Gold Star Awardee 2020, Best Professor of the Year Award 2020, From International Education Awards and INSC Research Excellence Awardee 2020 is Associate Professor and Head Post Graduate Dept of English, and a trilingual poet columnist with more than twenty volumes of book published And more than 2000 articles to his credit besides being the Editor of Literary Confluence and one of the distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the International Theodore Dresier Society Philadelphia, USA. He is frequently invited as International Visiting Professor to American Universities. With his poeic debut The Ballad of the Bleeding Bubbles translated into Assamese as Raktakta Burburanir Malita, his best seller Oleander Blooms made him well-known as 'Oleander Poet' besides his other books including Our Daughter, Our Princess, Renee -Rudhanee, his story Collection Six Feet Distance (to be published by Author House Bloomington, USA) and Francis Scott Fitzgerald and Theodore dreiser to mention a few of his many books.

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