Basic Information

Dr. Pankaj Seth has extensive professional working experience in the fields of education, training, communication, and extension, in support of agriculture/rural development and Animal husbandry/ Veterinary. He has served for the ICAR-KVK under Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi since 2005. Presently, he is a senior scientist serving as Veterinary Extension Education and transfer of technology specialist at Directorate of Extension Education, Birsa agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand.  

Dr Seth has been appreciated with sponsorship award in international conference at Bangkok, Thailand,  InSc Research Excellence Award, Young Scientist Award,  Best KVK Scientist Award, Academic Brand Award  and Young Professor of Year Award by scientific societies for meritorious work in Veterinary Extension Education and Best Paper Award in International/national seminar and conference. Dr Seth received his B.V.Sc & AH and M.V.Sc degree from Birsa Agricultural University and Ph.D degrees from the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (Deemed University). Dr. Seth published 22 research articles in NAAS rated National referred journals, 3 research articles in high impact International journals, 25 abstracts in various national and international conference/ seminars/ symposium. He also published book chapters, extension bulletins etc.  

He is also one of the Member of Senate, BAU, Ranchi, International Organizing Secretary of Vishwa Sewa Prishad, and life Member of Indian Veterinary Extension Forum, Society of Krishi Vigyan, Society of Extension Education and Veterinary Council of India.  His present professional interests and activities are in the fields of strategic extension planning and management, diffusion and adoption of innovation and communication materials development and testing, social and behavioral change research, as well as information and computer technology applications for planning, training, consultancy and advisory services, problem solving, time management and learning within the context of environmentally-sound and sustainable livestock development.

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