Basic Information

Ramayan Namdeo  DOB - 20.08.1966  Mother - Late Smt. Ramkali Namdeo  Father - Late Shri Sitaram Namdeo  Birth - Majhauli District- Sidhi Madhyapradesh India
Education - BE (Hons.) Electrical Engineering, Master of Technology
(Computer), Master of Art (Economics), Certified Energy Auditor (BEE). Writing poems is a work of creating happiness for me and it is just like taking photographs of society and analysis to these in interest of human being. It is need of hour to put woman at 360 degree in all fields to accelerate the
beautifulness and happiness.
Wish of a woman Child in my first poem titled as "A woman at 360 degree'
I am a child woman.
I want to height as a woman at 360 degree.
I having desires in multi dimensions -
Like a globe -
Radiating Power and Energy in all directions.
Zero to 360 degree in fields of -
Science and technology
Engineering and medical
Art and design and more.
No bar - Either rural or urban or - International level.  


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