Basic Information

Selvarajan S is from Bangalore and is a post graduate MBA from Newport University ,CA and also a Post Graduate in Journalism and Mass Comunication, Periyar University, and a Graduate of Econonics from Osmania Un iversity. He is also a qualified Special Educator for Mentally Retarded. First Career was in the Indian Army as a Battalion Commander. After more than two decades of service in IA he took premature retirement from the armed forces, He has held several middle and senior levels of managerial appointments with several private and public organisations including Consultant Posts to several organizations : in his second career. He was the founder of Base Line Special School an NGO. He was an Acharya /Trainer and a Center leader to two International Spirtual Organizations. He is a healer including healing through Reike.He is also a recipient of RashtriyaRatan Award for Outstating Individual Achievements and Distinguished Services to the Nation. He has been a the President Of Rotary Down Town , Bangalore.

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