Basic Information

I named , Sau Sonali vishal Sathe. (BA, LLB)Live in Ahmedabad is a house wife. having two children. One son , name Anay Vishal Sathe. And one daughter , named Anvi Vishal Sathe. My husband Mr Vishal Anand Sathe is an ENGINEER AND working in (R&D)in Ahmedabad. and my Father in law, namedMr.Neelkanth Sathe is retired from Government job and mother in law named Sau Alka Sathe is a housewife. I am basically from Nashik. Maharashtra. My entire qualifications were completed in Maharashtra. My father is also an Advocate. and practicing as a legal lawyer. in the criminal field and also always interested in reading books and Novels. on my father and My mother, and Entire Our Dharmadhikari family, always encourage me in my whole curricular activities. My mother is also a well qualified and a house wife.and My father published books on Law in the legal field. In All the crises my father and My Mother both stand behind me , as a pillor of my whole life....!!! so , I will always be thankful and always greatful to my mother and father and two sisters and one brother. My sisters and My brother are also well qualified. as both the sister are Post graduate and brother is ENGINEER. These are pillars of my life who will always stand behind me . and I am actually Thankful to all Family members. and very glad and very happy regarding my first book ",अबोली , एकज्वलंतकाव्य. " .....!!!! With this stepping in literature fields....!!!

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