Basic Information

Satya Sundar Samanta is an M.A, & M.Phil in english literature studying from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, U.P, India. Now he has been doing Ph.D from North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha, India. Formerly he worked at Maharaja Nandakumar College, Nandakumar, W.B, India. At present he has been working at Ramnagar College, W.B, India. His book "AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL ELEMENTS OF JOHN KEATS" has been published by KY Publishers. His poems have been published in many magazines. His research articles have been published in many international journals.His early life was filled with intense poverty, crisis and struggles at a clay-built house in the village Sadi, WB, near Odisha border. From the early age he was bound to earn money to run the poverty-stricken family and to continue his education. Then, he left the house to continue his  higher education. During this time he suffered and struggled much.

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