Basic Information

Sudhir Kumar Chaturvedi is an academician and researcher in Aerospace & Avionics domain at UPES Dehradun, India. His area of research is in Aeronautical Technologies, Avionics, Defence
systems studies, Radars for target detection and its modelling in coherent and noncoherent media. His expertise also lies in deep space communication and navigational technologies. Dr. Chaturvedi had a great involvement in many activities correlated to students' engagements and enrichments which directly impacted on the benefits to the society. Dr. Chaturvedi published more than 45+ Scopus/SCI/WoS papers in various journals and conferences of National and International reputes. Conducted and delivered many Industrial/ academics lectures for the students for their benefits and
engagements. Dr. Chaturvedi was also involved in various administrative activities specially the outreach and academic administrations. Dr Chaturvedi is SMIEEE, LMISRS, LM AeSI and is the BoS of many Universities in India for the padagogy developments and deliverances of the quality aerospace education in India. Dr. Chaturvedi is enlisted in top 2% scientists in the world for year 2023, as the list released by Stanford University, USA.

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