Basic Information

As a corresponding author I served in the Indian Air Force for 33 years . I fought the 1965 operating flying the then famous Gnat aircraft from Pathankot in north Punjab And the 1971 war while operating from Amritsar against Pakistan flying Mig-21 aircraft . On the last day of 1971 war, when Bangladesh had been liberated and 90000 plus size Pak army surrendered to our army, My Mig-21 was hit by stray bullets and caught fire on 17 December1971. I ejected out to safety but fell inside Pakistan and was made captive as a Prisoner of War. Returned to India on 1st December 1972. On return I was flying Mig-21 again and on 27 April 1973, while flying in a simulated war-game, a big vulture collided on my cockpit severally injuring my right eye and breaking the canopy. My left eye was partially effected so I managed to find my home base and landed back. For my professional competence and bravery despite a serious injury, I was awarded the Shaurya Chakra, one of the peace time Gallantry Award. There was no hope of my right eye recovery according to the eye specialist but my mother-in-law prepared an old Ayurvedic remedy and my right eye came to its normal function and I was to flying fighters again

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