Basic Information

Dr. T. G. Vasista, is currently working as an Associate Professor in Pallavi Engineering College, Hyderabad. He worked earlier as education and research consultant at Vasista Consulting and Performing Services Pvt. Ltd, India. He has about 26 years of overall experience in addition to all full time educational qualifications period. He started his career as a lecturer in civil engineering. He studied B. E., (AU)  M. E. (IITR) and Ph. D (SRU) all in Civil Engineering from Indian Universities and also acquired additional educational diplomas and doctorate degree (distance mode from Dominica) in computer related studies in addition to his teaching experience in civil engineering domain, he acquired theoretical and Practical knowledge in Software, IT, Management Information systems and Construction management fields and served in India, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. He is a Professional Member of ISTE and CSI. He also served as Board of Studies Chairman and Head of civil engineering department suggested to include neutral subjects like Design Thinking in all lateral domains to be part of engineering curriculum. He published about 80 publications having book chapters, articles and research papers in national, international conferences and journals with AIRCC, ACPI, IBIMA, IGI Global, IEEE, MacMillan, Springer, etc. publishers and indexed with EBSCO, ProQuest, Scopus, Web of Science and other research databases. He served as a reviewer since the year 2010 and reviewed about 800 documents for many conferences and journal publishing houses. He won a best paper award in IT National Conference at APIM, 2007, New Delhi. He received an excellent construct reviewer award for three times from IBIMA International conferences, Best Researcher Award from IOSRD during the year 2018 in Visakhapatnam, India and Best Teacher Award from IMRF, Vijayawada, during the year 2022. He is the co-author of a book on Design Thinking earlier.

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