Basic Information

Uma narula is a fantastic storyteller. Her stories are full of human drama, conflicts and most of all relationships in Indian society moving towards blend of traditions and modernity. Narula creates stories with depth and the characters that inhabit them consistently ring true and most of us can identify with them and can carry their stories from beginning to the end. She has the ability to make you care about her characters. These are heart-warming stories that make you laugh, cry and feel restless for the unexpected end.  Narula has an extraordinary talent with the words and a unique understanding of people and their emotions.Her encounters with people around her and the challenges that they face in life inspire her to write these stories of bitter-sweet human drama.Uma Narula is a prolific writer and she has published twenty-six professional academic books in her expertise area of Communications both in India and  abroad and highly acclaimed by  professionals. Knot - Untangle the Knots is her debut Fiction -Novel. Earlier, she published short story book Yearnings in 2002. This is her first short stories book. Readers enjoyed it immensely. Uma Narula has Ph.D. in communications and M.A. in clinical Psychology with specialization in psychotherapy. She practices both. 

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