Basic Information

Mr. Uves is an eminent professional and educationist who has always been in search of new and innovative methods of teaching that would create interest in the minds of the young generation.

• Born on 27 February 1964 and Son of Late Mr. Yunus Habib Sareshwala, Mr. Uves comes from a Business and Manufacturing background. Mr. Uves, along with two siblings started out with minor businesses and gradually rose to become one of the pioneers in Islamic Finance and formed a Public Limited Company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. • Mr. Uves has gained a prominent position in society due to the exemplary work he has done throughout his career. His raise to prominence can be attributed to his strong will power, caliber, conviction, dedication and leadership quality. ⚫Over the years, Mr. Uves has been involved in spreading education among the young generation, belonging to rural areas, and more specifically, to young under privileged females of society. ⚫He believes that the young female generation is sincere, dedicated and keen to adopt new practices of learning. They can enter any challenging arena and achieve success if they receive focused attention, inspiring atmosphere and a bit of extra care. He is of the view that in order to educate the young generation in the present scenario, the education providers (teachers) should also be regularly updated, trained and motivated. Only then there is a possibility to convert the young generation into responsible, confident and self-reliant youth of the country.
He feels a new mechanism to train the teachers should be developed. His idea is that teachers should become mentors to their students. Mentors refer to such personalities who stand apart from the rest by virtue of their deeds and achievements. Mentors not only leave their lasting footprints on the making of a society but also, and more importantly, inspire others to follow in their footsteps and attain bigger goals for the common good of mankind. Therefore he has also developed counseling/mentoring system in his Educational endeavors.
•Moreover, for the purposes of Spiritual, social, Business and Education, Mr. Uves has travelled extensively to countries such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany. New Zealand, Turkey, Egypt, Qatar, Australia, USA, UK, Canada, Panama, Philippines, Singapore as well as across the length and breadth of India. 
• Most of the travels were with prominent scholars and personalities.
• In the course of his travels he has visited Islamic schools, attended various conferences and seminars. Further, occasionally.
Mr Uves also addresses a varied group of people in Friday sermons, his main topic being the relevance of the life of Prophet(PBUH) and the life of the companions in the contemporary issues of the world. 
• Occasionally he also counsels groups and individuals in subjects ranging from Academia, Career, Marriage, and Business etc. Initiatives and Events Organized under YMS Foundation
• Teacher's training workshop by International trainer Mr. Edriss Khamissa, August, 2016
• Parenting and Marriage Counselling Workshop by Edriss Khamissa, August 2016 
• Seminar of Career and Business Opportunities in International Trade, 2017
• Leadership Lesson Workshop by Mirza Yawar Baig, July2016
• Dynamics of Marriage Today by Edris Khamissa, January 2018 
• Educating Children in the 21st Century by Edriss Khamissa, January 2018 Education to Entrepreneurship Workshop by Zafar Sareshwala, April 2018 
•No Health without Mental Health Workshop by Psychiatrist Dr Syeda Ruksheda, September 2018 Education graduate, 1983


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