- CategoryAcademic
- Sub CategoryReference Book
- StreamManagement
This book is basically a guide to all those who are marketing enthusiast or those who wish to understand the concept of Marketing and its related branches like Sales and Distribution Management, Product Management, Brand Management, Service Marketing, concepts like ROI with practical application in real time scenario, concepts of Strategic management and Supply Chain Management. How all these concepts are interrelated to each other and help the marketer in making correct and concise decision to grow in professional life. I wrote this book by inculcating all my knowledge and experience of corporate world, so that the reader get maximum benefit in one go. This is the only reason I named this book as “A Bird’s Eye View on Marketing Management”.
While writing this book I also keep this thing in my mind that while reading this book reader must not feel monotonous that’s why I included figures, charts and diagrams to make the things more convenient to understand.
Excellent. The metaphysical contemplation on the write up brings a louder message to the world at large to live with peace & harmony. The interconnectivity of nature, truth & cosmos are expressed very clearly. Thiruvalluvar's Kural - it's better to tell a lie for the well-being of others and Keats on beauty - gives joy & happiness to everyone are good examples. @Hector Raj Events that happen in the lives of people which makes them hide the ugly side of truth, the emotions associated with facts etc. made me read this again & again to get some in-depth knowledge of the seasoned writer.
A very useful reference book for BBA/MBA students, excellent work by Author
I use this book for classroom teaching, ideal book for marketing management with practical examples