

  • TypePrint
  • CategoryNon-Academic
  • Sub CategoryFiction
  • StreamChildren's-Fiction

You are holding in your hands one of the most powerful tools ever created to assist you in achieving your dreams. This book is designed in the field of Grapho-Theraphy. The techniques shared inside this book are essential factors in the formation of my own success & happiness. I was just a normal person, just like you who realized that I was the only who could stop myself from achieving my dreams…..thus I was totally responsible for the outcome of my own life. 

So, I followed Mr. RafiullaBaig  & Mr. Imran Baig’s suggestions precisely and dedicated myself to learning the science of handwriting analysis. After just a few weeks of practice, I noticed the changes. My family &  friends noticed the differences. I began to think and act differently. Almost immediately, all my relationships improved in direct proportion to how I changed. My grades &  happiness improved and my self-confidence skyrocketed. I made the decision that I would write a book and make a difference in the others life. 

Well, it took me 4 years to write my first book, but I made it happen! I really believe that much of my success at a young age was because someone cared enough about me to share this technique called Grapho-therapy. I have to take some of the credit for listening, I took the advice, I worked the program and thus allowed the program to work for me. Others, who heard the same advice and ignored it, are still struggling in their lives. Please, take this course seriously; give yourself the gift of completing it. In order for the new habits and neuropathways to form and lasting change to occur …. you must be consistent and finish. 

This book is designed for the complete academic year, commit to spend half an hour per day doing these daily handwriting exercises. Don’t take a shortcut, condense the time frame allotted, or simply understand this material at a conceptual level. The reason grapho-therapy is so powerful is that it actually trains your brain & directly affects your unconscious mind. The only way it can truly affect your unconscious mind on a long-term basis is by integrating the knowledge into your body & mind through the nervous system from your fingers to brain. 

Grapho-therapy uses the pre-formed habit of handwriting as a direct conduit to your unconscious mind. Traditional psychology reveals, it takes between 21 to 30 days to change a habit. Because of this statistical revelation, you must complete one page per day, in sequence, for up to thirty days. Skipping just one day can negatively affect the results. Skipping 3+ days might negate all the progress and requires starting over. I also suggest that if you have the luxury of a coach, mentor, teacher or friend to assist you accountable… ask for their help. 

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Author(s) Dr. Muneela Khanam
ISBN 978-1-956102-30-7
Book Language ENGLISH
Published Date DECEMBER, 2021
Total Pages 200
Book Size 8x11 A4
Paper Quality 75 GSM NORMAL PAPER
Book Edition FIRST


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