- CategoryNon-Academic
- Sub CategoryNon Fiction
- StreamGuide-Non Fiction
Engineering Education and Engineering in the society has occupied a high esteemed importance in the society as it is representing the human future in this kind of technophilic age of ours. In many of the situations this powerful Engineering and its innovations, the outcomes are fundamentally used wrong in our day to day life such that the impact of technology in both culture and society has been highly misunderstood in this modern era. In reality at present there is a need to reexamine the way how Engineering is done, engineering is thought in technological temples called the Engineering Institutions, what the engineers are actually doing, in fact what they are expected to do etc… In this book the author tried to reexamine how the contemporary situation over Engineering is viewing and at the conclusion this book provided a few talk with the reader to make a little brain storming on the necessary, need and notions of the Engineering towards the betterment of the Nation.
This book, therefore, takes on the challenging task to provide a new way of looking at the impact of Engineering education and the outcome of the present day engineers and the modern technology in both culture and society. The goal of the book is to bring out the hidden versions of the reader on Engineering and tries to inspire them with the positivity of the engineering innovations. It also tries to bring out the all sides of the Engineering Education there by gives a clear picture to the engineering students what to do how to do the Engineering. How to bridge the gap between the actuals that the institutions providing and the expectations of the society through the Engineering. Finally the book is aimed in a manner only to self-motivate the students, faculty, institutions, readers and every individual through the Engineering outcomes.
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