- CategoryAcademic
- Sub CategoryText Book
- StreamResearch and Development
Before forwarding piece of writing for this volume on ‘Sustainable Development Practices’, let me highlight the core values of ‘sustainability’ in the pretext of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda. During early 90’s, sustainability issues were raised at many platforms. Rio earth Summit in 1992 sought to help government rethink economic development in sync with environmental sustainability and protection of natural resources. Though Stockholm Declaration solely focused on environmental issues, Rio Summit was a benchmark plan of action for the adoption of Agenda 21 to unite global consensus on development to protect the planet. World Summit on Sustainable Development, 2002 at Johannesburg and further development in sustainable goals like United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development paved way for Sustainable Development Goals 2030 with a specific focus on seventeen goals. The word ‘Sustainable Development’ is much-talked in government, businesses, civic societies, NGO’s, private practitioners and related stakeholders.
The United Nations Brundtland Commission in 1987 defined sustainability as ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. In similar context, this book Explores the literature related to Sustainable development and further contributes to current body of knowledge by providing an overview of the contemporary understanding of the sustainability, sustainable development and sustainable development practices and associated Goals as envisaged in SDG’s 2030.
Many countries around the world are finding ways and means for development needs but it is also ensured that development must not out-weigh sustainability in a negative way. So are the focus of researchers to gauge into the magnitude of Sustainable development so that such a fragile aspect of sustainability could be dealt in a holistic manner.
Present compendium on ‘Sustainable Development Practices- Paradigm shift towards SDG’s 2030’ is well-planned with a specific focus on varied aspects of sustainable development. This book presents a compendium of unique research work highlighting contemporary trends, issues, challenges and ideas towards sustainable development practices in social science arena based on Sustainable Development Goals 2030.
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